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Reed Wahl raw picture Title Detonating the Tunnel
Speaker Reed Wahl
Level Operations
Transcript: The irony of my predictive equation… is that it sometimes requires blind faith. I see the individual elements crashing against each other and the urgency of what I must do to maintain my part in the plan is clear… but I cannot always see just WHY. An Alpha Series has headed to Minerva's Den, Subject Sigma, and the equation states that if he reaches the Computer Core, catastrophe! I do not know why… yet, but I know what must be done. Subject Sigma is approaching Minerva's Den. He must not reach The Thinker. Detonate the tunnel!

Location: In left chamber prior to entering the Climate Control area. It's across from a vent.

The audio diary in the frozen... ...and the defrosted area.

Behind the Scenes[]

  • The final sentence of this diary (starting from "Subject Sigma is approaching Minerva's Den") can be heard in the beginning of the DLC.