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BioShock Wiki
Diary 3 Title Everyman, All at Once
Speaker Zachary Hale Comstock
Level Town Center
Date March the 29th, 1911
Transcript: One man goes into the waters of baptism. A different man comes out, born again. But who is that man who lies submerged? Perhaps that swimmer is both sinner and saint, until he is revealed unto the eyes of man.

Location: In the garden to the right of Chas. A. White Supply, on an umbrella-covered table.



Behind the Scenes

The description of a man as being "both sinner and saint" until "revealed" mirrors the concept of a quantum superposition, in which a particle is considered to be in two states at once until it is observed by an outsider. See Schrödinger's cat for example. It also reflects the branching timeline of Comstock's own baptism, as revealed at the end of BioShock Infinite.
