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.50 Caliber Rounds are the ammunition used by the Machine Gun in BioShock 2. There are three different kinds of rounds.

50 Caliber Rounds

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.50 Caliber Rounds are the base ammunition for the Machine Gun.

These bullets will do the job you want, if the job is spraying death at your enemies.

Anti Personnel Rounds

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Anti-Personnel Rounds are an alternate ammunition for the Machine Gun.

These bullets are specially designed to neutralize non-armored targets -- like Splicers.

Armor Piercing Rounds

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Armor-Piercing Rounds are are an alternate ammunition for the Machine Gun.

These bullets are particularly effective against metal or armored targets, like turrets, security bots and Big Daddies.

Due to their high penetration, they are capable of shooting through multiple, fleshy targets.

