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Minuteman's Armory Vending Machine

The Minuteman's Armory is one of Columbia's vending machines in BioShock Infinite which only sells weapon upgrades at for an expensive cost in Silver Eagles. Each weapon features four upgrades (except for the Crank Gun, which has none), including two damage boosts. The machines are refilled with new upgrades as Booker DeWitt progresses through Columbia.

List of Prices[]

The following are all weapon upgrades sold at the Minuteman's Armory, their prices and first appearance in BioShock Infinite.

Weapon Upgrade Price Description First Available In
BSI Weapons 3
Clip Increase 275 Increases clip size by 50% Battleship Bay
Damage Boost 1 199 Increases damage by 25% Hall of Heroes
Ammo Increase 404 Increases reserve ammo by 50% Finkton Docks
Damage Boost 2 199 Increases damage by 25% Factory
BSI Weapons 13
Machine Gun
Damage Boost 1 236 Increases damage by 25% Soldier's Field
Accuracy Boost 512 Reduces weapon spread by 75% Hall of Heroes
Clip Increase 391 Increases clip size by 100% Finkton Docks
Damage Boost 2 239 Increases damage by 25% Factory
BSI Weapons 5
Damage Boost 1 255 Increases damage by 25% Finkton Docks
Reload Increase 456 Decreases reload time by 50% Finkton Docks
Damage Boost 2 255 Increases damage by 25% Emporia
Spread Boost 360 Increases cone width by 20% Downtown Emporia
BSI Weapons 11
Damage Boost 1 357 Increases damage by 25% Hall of Heroes
Clip Increase 484 Increases clip size by 50% Finkton Docks
Recoil Decrease 333 Decreases recoil by 60% Factory
Damage Boost 2 357 Increases damage by 25% Emporia
BSI Weapons 10
Reload Increase 752 Increases cone width by 20% Emporia
Damage Boost 2 554 Increases damage by 25% Downtown Emporia
Spread Boost 467 Increases damage by 25% Downtown Emporia
BSI Weapons 4
Damage Boost 1 385 Increases damage by 25% Hall of Heroes
Clip Increase 816 Increases clip size by 50% Hall of Heroes
Damage Boost 2 404 Increases damage by 25% Emporia
RPG speed Boost 333 Increases RPG projectile speed by 100% Downtown Emporia
BSI Weapons 6
Sniper Rifle
Damage Boost 1 349 Increases damage by 25% Hall of Heroes
Fire Rate Boost 654 Increases fire rate by 100% Finkton Docks
Recoil decrease 288 Reduces recoil by 50% Finkton Docks
Damage Boost 2 349 Increases damage by 25% Factory
BSI Weapons 2
Volley Gun
Damage Boost 1 522 Increases damage by 25% Finkton Docks
Radius Increase 536 Increases explosion radius by 50% Downtown Emporia
Damage Boost 2 522 Increases damage by 25% Downtown Emporia
Clip Increase 740 Increases clip size by 100% Downtown Emporia
BSI Weapons 12
Hand Cannon
Damage Boost 1 448 Increases damage by 25% Factory
Reload Increase 656 Increases reload speed by 50% Factory
Damage Boost 2 448 Increases damage by 25% Emporia
Recoil Decrease 350 Decreases recoil by 20% Downtown Emporia
BSI Weapons 8
Recoil Decrease 711 Decreases recoil by 50% Emporia
Damage Boost 2 416 Increases damage by 25% Downtown Emporia
Clip Increase 449 Increases clip size by 100% Downtown Emporia
BSI Weapons 7
Damage Boost 1 423 Increases damage by 25% Factory
Recoil Decrease 822 Decreases recoil by 50% Downtown Emporia
Damage Boost 2 423 Increases damage by 25% Downtown Emporia
Ammo Increase 672 Increases reserve ammo by 50% Downtown Emporia
BSI Weapons 9
Hail Fire
Radius Increase 415 Increases clip size by 60% Downtown Emporia
Damage Boost 2 688 Increases damage by 25% Downtown Emporia
Clip Size 399 Increases explosion radius by 100% Downtown Emporia


Though the Minuteman's Armory can have multiple upgrades purchased from it at once, not all upgrades can be purchased in one game (for a total of $21984), and some may not be suited toward the player's playing style. Consider saving your Silver Eagles for other weapon upgrades, or for Vigor upgrades.


  • Ammunition, weaponsmithing, all kinds of deadliness.
  • It's your home. If you don't protect it now, who will?
  • Would you rather be deadly? Or dead?
  • Got empty pockets? Best keep on walking.
  • What are you going hunting for with that? Caterpillar?
  • Desperate times, desperate measures. Protect your women and your treasures.
  • You call that a gun? Heh. That ain't no gun.


Behind the Scenes[]

  • The name of this vending machine (and the animatronic atop it) is a reference to the Minutemen from the American Revolution.

The "Power to the People" Concept.

  • This machine could be considered as the Columbia counterpart to the Power to the People vending machines of Rapture, as they both provide weapon upgrades for the player.
    • In addition, early concept art reveals that the machine was originally called "Power to the People," by Chris Chaproniere.[1]
  • This vending machine looks like the Dollar Bill, with a change of uniform and vending machine colors.
  • Like all vending machines in the game, the Minuteman's Armory can be Possessed to give up a certain amount of Silver Eagles.
  • When all upgrades available have been purchased, the machine turns off.
  • Fully upgraded, the Pistol will become gold-plated regardless of whether the Season Pass has been purchased or not.


Minuteman's Armory vending machines can be found at the Columbian Archeological Society in BioShock Infinite's downloadable content, Clash in the Clouds, between waves and in the hub area. They can only be used once at least one wave has been completed. They sell all weapon upgrades available in BioShock Infinite with the exception of special upgrades granted by other DLC.

List of Prices[]

The following are all weapon upgrades sold at the Minuteman's Armory.

Weapon Upgrade Price Description
BSI Weapons 3
Damage Boost 1 100 Increases damage by 25%
Ammo Increase 45 Increases reserve ammo by 50%
Damage Boost 2 200 Increases damage by 25%
BSI Weapons 13
Machine Gun
Clip Increase 450 Increases clip size by 100%
Accuracy Boost 600 Reduces weapon spread by 75%
Damage Boost 2 1300 Increases damage by 25%
BSI Weapons 5
Reload Increase 300 Decreases reload time by 50%
Damage Boost 2 450 Increases damage by 25%
Spread Boost 800 Increases cone width by 20%
BSI Weapons 11
Recoil Decrease 1300 Decreases recoil by 60%
Clip Increase 484 Increases clip size by 50%
Damage Boost 2 357 Increases damage by 25%
BSI Weapons 10
Reload Increase 752 Increases cone width by 20%
Damage Boost 2 554 Increases damage by 25%
Spread Boost 467 Increases damage by 25%
BSI Weapons 4
Clip Increase 816 Increases clip size by 50%
Damage Boost 2 404 Increases damage by 25%
RPG speed Boost 333 Increases RPG projectile speed by 100%
BSI Weapons 6
Sniper Rifle
Recoil decrease 1300 Reduces recoil by 50%
Fire Rate Boost 2100 Increases fire rate by 100%
Damage Boost 2 2200 Increases damage by 25%
BSI Weapons 2
Volley Gun
Radius Increase 536 Increases explosion radius by 50%
Damage Boost 2 522 Increases damage by 25%
Clip Increase 740 Increases clip size by 100%
BSI Weapons 12
Hand Cannon
Reload Decrease 500 Increases reload speed by 50%
Recoil Decrease 650 Decreases recoil by 20%
Damage Boost 2 1100 Increases damage by 25%
BSI Weapons 8
Recoil Decrease 500 Decreases recoil by 50%
Damage Boost 2 416 Increases damage by 25%
Clip Increase 449 Increases clip size by 100%
BSI Weapons 7
Recoil Decrease 822 Decreases recoil by 50%
Damage Boost 2 423 Increases damage by 25%
Ammo Increase 672 Increases reserve ammo by 50%
BSI Weapons 9
Hail Fire
Radius Increase 415 Increases clip size by 60%
Damage Boost 2 688 Increases damage by 25%
Clip Size 399 Increases explosion radius by 100%

The Minuteman's Armory appears in the Factory among other unusable vending machines.
