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Cheeky Brand Pep Bar

Cheeky Brand Pep Bar.

Octo Vitamin Pep Bar

Octo Vitamin Brand Pep Bar.

Now with a burst of EVE!
― Pep Bar advertising[src]

Extremely delicious and relatively common, Pep Bars can be found in vending machines, corpses, or even trash cans. They heal a small amount of Health and EVE. When used with the Extra Nutrition Gene Tonic, it will restore much more health.

Help Caption[]

A tasty Pep Bar will replenish small amounts of Health and EVE. Like all food and drink, it is consumed immediately when picked up.

Behind the Scenes[]

  • Pep bars seem to be a beloved food of Little Sisters, given the fact that these treats are found on several tables in Tenenbaum's Sanctuary. Taking one of the bars on a table next to a Little Sister will cause one to say '"Hey, that's mine!"[1]

