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Andrew RyanHQ
"There is something more powerful than each of us, a combination of our efforts, a Great Chain of industry that unites us. But it is only when we struggle in our own interest that the chain pulls society in the right direction..."Andrew Ryan

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Rapture Standard Newspaper

A section of a Rapture Standard Newspaper.

Rapture Standard is one of many newspapers sold in Rapture. During the Civil WarAndrew Ryan used the newspaper as one of his propaganda tools. Headlines from the paper can be read on the loading screens of BioShock, the loading screens of BioShock 2 Multiplayer, and an advertisement for Arcadia.


The newspaper covered the major events through out the years of 1959-1960 and provided warnings for the citizens of the recent changes and security measures put in place. The paper sold well until the newspaper's editor had enough of the propaganda and made a headline that angered Ryan, causing the editor to be labeled as traitor and one of Atlas' spies. Rapture Standard ceased operations after Security Order 217 was enabled, as with the rest of the newspaper firms that operated in Rapture such as the Rapture Tribune.



  • "Ryan takes down smuggling operation… Fontaine and thugs killed in fiery shootout!" - Headline, Rapture Standard, 9/12/58
  • "Why not spend your holiday in Arcadia? Fun for the whole family!" - Ad in the Rapture Standard, 9/1/53

BioShock 2 Multiplayer[]

  • "NEW YEAR'S NIGHTMARE — Terrorists Bomb Kashmir… Death Toll Rising!
  • "'FOR FONTAINE!' — Atlas Lays Claim to Kashmir… 'Ryan doesn't own us', declares Rebel Leader."
  • "WAR!… Atlas Declared Public Enemy #1 as Fighting Takes to Streets!"
  • "ATLAS: PORTRAIT OF A PARASITE - Andrew Ryan Explains the 'Ways of the Weak'."
  • "MEET THE BIG DADDY! - R.I. Unveils Rapture's 'Knight In Shining Armor'… 'The Parasite will not prevail!'."
  • "KINKS IN THE ARMOR? — Ryan Promises Quick Fix to Big Daddy Aggression… Citizens Advised, 'Do Not Approach Little Sisters'."
  • "Eyewitnesses claim the victim, whose remains could not be identified, was attempting to give the Little Sister candy when the Big Daddy attacked." - Front Page, Rapture Standard 
  • "CHILD KILLER!… Little Sister Attacks on the Rise… Atlas to Blame!"
  • "TENENBAUM VANISHES… Allegedly Renounces Little Sister Program - Mental Stability Questioned…"
  • "TIDE TURNED AT NEPTUNE'S BOUNTY — Atlas on the Run after Stunning Defeat… Ryan Proclaims, 'Victory is Nigh!'."
  • "THE DOCTOR IS IN!… Madness in MedicalSteinman Claims Divine Sovereignty!"
  • "HOAX!..Atlas' Lies Lead to Riot - 'Plenty of ADAM to go around', assures Ryan…"
  • "LIBERATOR… OR MONSTER? Former Nazi Scientist Abducting Little Sisters…"
  • "''WE ARE THE SATURNINE!' Cult Crazies Close Arcadia - Ryan Vows Retribution as Religion Comes to Rapture…"
  • "CURTAINS FOR COHEN?… Fort Frolic Closed to Citizens — Forlorn Visionary Promises Final Frolic…"
  • "WHEN WILL IT END?… Violence Continues — Ryan Silent as Citizens Demand Answers…"
  • "SCANDAL! .. Newspaper Editor Revealed Actually Atlas spy - New Management Vows Return to Honest Journalism!"
  • "HEPHAESTUS HERMIT - Ryan Seeks Solution in Seclusion…"
  • "APOLLO SQUARE CONDEMNED — Anyone Entering or Exiting will be Shot on Sight…"
  • "WARNING: Due to Rioting, Curfews and Shoot-to-Kill Policies are now in Effect for the Following Decks…"
  • "SECURITY ORDER 217: All Publications to Cease Distribution until Further Notice." - Rapture Standard, Final Edition