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I heard part of this recording in the very opening sequence of the DLC. ZanyDragon (talk) 03:12, April 17, 2014 (UTC)

That's the case, Reed Wahl was recording it when he gave the order. I think it serves to explain why he did so and how he saw Sigma coming. Pauolo (talk) 06:34, April 17, 2014 (UTC)
I thought all of this was supposed to be obvious. Unownshipper (talk) 05:33, April 19, 2014 (UTC)
He must have been really worried or afraid to take such drastic action.  Connecting viaducts/tunnels are not easy to rebuild and continuance of Minervas Den was dependent on supplies coming from the rest of Rapture.  He just as easily (?) could have had a large mob of his minions waiting to ambush/obliterate Sigma, telling them that their 'god' The Thinker was in danger (or maybe their paychecks/mealtickets).  Various marauding Splicers would long-previously had been kept out a similar way.   (Plot wouldnt go anyplace if Wahl simply locked the front door to the entire complex).
Testxyz (talk) 03:15, April 18, 2014 (UTC)
Never rely on Splicers to make logical, well thought out decisions. And something is lost by not blowing up the tunnel: "A TOTALLY KEWL OPENING!!"
Unownshipper (talk) 05:33, April 19, 2014 (UTC)