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The I in the Team
The "Big Daddy" has gone BERSERK! Can you save the Little Sister"... WITHOUT A WEAPON?
― The "I" in Team comic bubble[src]

The 'I' in Team is the first of the three challenges from the Challenge Rooms DLC for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions of BioShock, as well as in BioShock: Ultimate Rapture Edition and BioShock: The Collection. Set in the Rapture Firing Range, the player's task is to rescue a Little Sister from her Big Daddy protector, without (at first) the use of any weapons or Plasmids.

New Discoveries[]

Little Sisters in this Level

Ungathered Icon 


Extended Walkthrough

Machine Room

  • Go forwards and enter the Machine Room.
  • Pick up the EVE Hypo on the floor in front of the door to the Firing Range; the Little Sister the player needs to rescue is located here.
  • There's a corpse propped up against a platform to the left; search it for an EVE Hypo.
  • Go up the stairs and proceed to find an Inventing Supplies crate, containing a Battery.
  • Head right through the door to find another Inventing Supplies crate, containing a Rubber Hose.
  • Proceed down the passage into the next room.


  • Pick up the two EVE Hypos in front of the pneumo tube; the tube itself can supply the player with an infinite amount of EVE Hypos.
  • There is a Rose on a desk in the middle of the room for the Collector Trophy (1/4).
  • Search the corpse sitting at the desk for Coffee.
  • Walk through the door behind the desk to enter the Firing Range.

Firing Range

  • Activate the Left Side Door Control switch; ignore the Right Side Door Control for now.
  • Head right and search the Inventing Supplies crate for a Rubber Hose.
  • Turn right again and head down the stairs.
  • Pick up the EVE Hypo on the ground if needed.
  • Leave the passage and search the Inventing Supplies crate in the middle of the area for another Rubber Hose.
  • Head up the stairs to the left of the passage entrance to find another Inventing Supplies crate; search it for a Battery.
  • Jump on the frozen Rosie to the left, and then jump to the platform in the corner.
  • Pick up the Target Dummy Plasmid.
  • There is a dead Thuggish Splicer behind the Rosie, with two Old Harbinger Beers and an Arcadia Merlot.
  • Head back upstairs to the upper level.
  • Walk to the left side of the upper level and place a Target Dummy in front of each of the Machine Gun Turrets opposite; the RPG Turrets overhead will destroy them.
  • Place another Target Dummy by the left-hand door on the opposite platform to draw the RPG fire.
  • Head down the stairs to the left and walk carefully along the narrow beam to the right. When at the far-right wall, turn left and cross to the opposite side of the room with the destroyed Turrets.
  • Head towards the open door, placing more Target Dummies to draw the RPG fire.
  • Go through the door to find an Inventing Supplies crate containing a Battery.
  • Head through the glass tunnel and pick up the First Aid Kit on the floor; enter the Pressure Plate Room.

Pressure Plate Room

  • There's a First Aid Kit and four EVE Hypos on the pressure plate in the middle of the room.
  • Use a Target Dummy to lure the Bouncer onto the plate; this will open the opposite door.
  • Head through the door as soon as it opens.
  • There's a First Aid Kit and three EVE Hypos on top of the desk.
  • Pick up the Winter Blast 3 Plasmid from the desk.
  • To the right of the desk is another Inventing Supplies crate; search it for a Battery.
  • Head left down the short tunnel and get the Rubber Hose from another Inventing Supplies crate.
  • Use the Door Control to open the door leading back to Reception.

Rescuing the Little Sister

  • Go back to the Machine Room.
  • Place a Target Dummy between the main elevated section and the platform in the corner (where the corpse is propped against the wall).
  • The Bouncer will rush to this spot; use Winter Blast 3 to freeze it in place.
  • Jump on top of the Bouncer, and then hop to the corner platform.
  • Search the Inventing Supplies crate for a Brass Tube.
  • Return to the Reception and use the U-Invent to construct the Automatic Hack Tool.
  • Now proceed through the door to the Firing Range and use the tool to hack the Right Side Door Control switch.
  • The Little Sister's Bouncer will enter the Firing Range and run back and forth along it.
  • Place Target Dummies anywhere along the Bouncer's path to start the RPG Turrets firing; use Winter Blast 3 to freeze the Bouncer if he keeps dodging the RPGs.
  • When the Bouncer is dead, place a Target Dummy to draw the RPG fire and go and rescue the Little Sister; press Triangle to "collect" her.

Enter the Machine Room. Ignore the Big Daddy for now, and run up the stairs to the left. Make sure to check every "Inventing Supplies" box, as you'll need every part obtainable from them to complete the level. Continue through the hallway and enter the office room. Collect the rose from the desk, and enter the door behind the desk. Pull the lever on the left. Ignore the one on the right for now, as you'll need to make an Automatic Hack Tool to use it. 

Go down the stairs to the right, and enter the cavern beneath the shooting range. Jump on top of the frozen Big Daddy to reach the Target Dummy plasmid on the other side. Go back up the stairs. Place a Target Dummy in front of each turret, and wait for the RPG turrets above you to shoot and destroy it. (Unless you are aiming for the Pacifist Trophy). Do this for each turret. Place another Target Dummy to distract the RPG turrets as you run across the scaffolding, and reach the other side before entering the door on the far left of the range. 

Walk through the tunnel, and enter the Pressure Plate room. Use a Target Dummy to make the Big Daddy step onto the switch, then run into the door opposite. Grab the Winter Blast 3 Plasmid from the desk. Go left, and pull the lever next to the door to enter the Office Room again. Go back to the Machine Room from the beginning of the level. Using a Target Dummy, lure the Big Daddy to stand between the gap over to the ledge where another Inventing Supplies box is. Freeze him, jump on top and reach the ledge. Check the "Inventing Supplies" box to find what (should be) the final part needed to use the U-Invent machine in the Office Room to make an Automatic Hack Tool. 

Use another Target Dummy to make him stand between you and the rose on the piping next to the ledge. Freeze him again, and then jump off of him to reach the rose. 

If you're still missing parts, then that means you missed a box somewhere. Carefully search the level again, and make sure to check every box.

Hack the right-hand lever in the shooting range to open the door on the right to the Machine Room. The Big Daddy and Little Sister will enter, and the Big Daddy will start running back and forth across the firing range. Using your Target Dummy Plasmid, time the placement correctly to make the RPG turrets shoot him. His death should deactivate them. Before collecting the Little Sister, search his body for a Grenade Launcher and ten Frag Grenades. Use the grenades to destroy the center RPG turret. Use another Grenade to blow it down if it doesn't fall the first time. Search it for the 3rd rose. 

Go back to the Pressure Plate room. Use a Target Dummy to make the Big Daddy step on the plate, and then run as quickly as possible through the firing range and back to the Machine Room. There should be a Secret Hatch open directly in front of you. Grab the final rose. 

Collect the Little Sister.

Trophies and Achievements[]

I in Team rescue


This Trophy/Achievement requires the player only to rescue the Little Sister.

I in team expert


This Trophy/Achievement requires the player to rescue the Little Sister in under 3:00 minutes.

I in Team pacifist


This Trophy/Achievement requires the player to rescue the Little Sister without destroying any of the Turrets in the stage: make extensive use of the Target Dummy Plasmid to draw all of the Turret fire during your first journey through the Firing Range.

I in team collect


This Trophy/Achievement requires the player only to find the four Roses hidden throughout the stage. Their locations are:

  1. On the desk in the Reception.
  2. Hanging from the ceiling in the Machine Room; once one has Winter Blast 3 lure the Bouncer close to one of the elevated areas, freeze him, and jump on top of him. From here, the player should be able to reach the Rose if they jump.
  3. Inside the central RPG Turret; once the Bouncer guarding the Little Sister is dead, search his corpse for a Grenade Launcher and ten Frag Grenades. Destroy the middle RPG Turret and knock it down to the ground, where the player can search it for the third Rose.
  4. Behind a secret door in the Machine Room; it opens when the Bouncer in the Pressure Plate Room stands on the pressure plate. Lure him onto the plate using Target Dummy and run towards the Machine Room as quickly as possible. Grab the Rose before the Bouncer can move off the plate. Alternatively, use the Grenade Launcher from the other Bouncer corpse to kill the Bouncer while it is standing on the plate, and the new corpse will hold the plate in position.

Behind the Scenes[]

  • Like all of the Challenge Rooms, the Little Sister the player must save appears to have already been "rescued", as she bears none of the signs of being implanted with a Sea Slug.
  • When collecting the Rose from the RPG Turret in the PlayStation 3 version of the content, an image icon of a Rose will appear in the Turret's inventory. However, in the Xbox 360 version, the image icon will be an Apple, as seen from the EVE Upgrade slot.

