



Splicers 是在生化奇兵系列頭2集最常見的敵人。 作爲剩餘銷魂城人口的他們是在銷魂城内戰的暴力衝突中使用ADAM的結果。在這戰役裏,還有之後混亂的日子裏,Splicers明顯地殺了城市裏大部分正常的人。由於濫用ADAM,他們的身體和思想已經變得畸形(雖然他們有些的身體殘障是歸功於J.S. Steinman醫生的整形手術)。他們變得在心理跟物理上也很依賴那些物質。他們很多戴著化妝舞會的面具,又或者是阿特拉斯提議的,因爲ADAM讓他們身體變形而感到羞恥。[1]


症狀[ | ]

根據ADAM的發現者-Brigid Tenenbaum博士,那個基因奇跡藥物靠著把對象本來的細胞換成新的、不斷改變的變量。[2] 需要時細小、受控的,否則PlasmidGene Tonics的簡單運用會引起對人類身體的嚴重、長期影響。不過,就想其他危險藥物,ADAM是能令人上癮、易於引起不良副作用的。藥物的本質讓使用者對物質產生依賴。

不良影響[ | ]

ADAM運作於基因層面。由於它跟對象間的互相作用非常不穩定,一大堆的有害反應能在使用者體内表現。有些使用者發生了可怕的身體上的畸形的同時,其他也有如Sander Cohen只有很少明顯的基因變異卻患上精神病。重點是在不同人身上,副作用也不同。儘管如此,在大的Splicer群體中能夠發現到有些相同的缺陷。長期濫用ADAM可發生意想不到的意外:

  • 從眼睛、鼻孔、嘴巴流血
  • 失明[3]
  • 皮膚上形成結晶
  • 皮膚鬆弛
  • 死亡[3]
  • 脫髮
  • 產生幻覺
  • 虹膜異色症
  • 精神錯亂[3]
  • 失眠
  • 出現黃疸
  • 病變
  • 記憶力減退
  • 紅疹
  • 蜘蛛痣
  • 牙齦紅腫
  • 並指畸形
  • 牙齒脫落
  • 腫瘤
  • 靜脈曲張
  • 白蝕症

生化奇兵[ | ]

Bshock dancingsplicers

"Ignore the lies of Atlas and his Parasites. 銷魂城 is on the rise!"

Main article: BioShock

生化奇兵裏,Splicers在銷魂城的走廊和隧道裏徘徊,尋找ADAM,一般以大多與她們的Big Daddy保護者一起的Little Sisters的形態出現(一些杰克能夠容易利用來幫助他生存的東西)。Splicers大多會穿很少裝甲(如果有的話),但他們有優越的體能,比Big Daddy更具攻擊性。他們有時候會群體活動,使用Plasmids,有時候更會裝死。

刺客Splicers[ | ]

Main article: 刺客Splicers

刺客Splicers以近戰武器攻擊。他們可以在整個游戲裏找到,而且相當弱,但是走得快和以群體攻擊彌補了這點。在游戲後期,這個種類的Splicers更經常會裝備Electric Flesh Gene Tonic,讓他們對所有電擊傷害如Electro BoltStatic Discharge Gene Tonic產生免疫。

Leadhead Splicer[ | ]

Main article: Leadhead Splicer

Leadhead Splicer 可以拿槍,以手槍機關槍攻擊。他們也可以在整個游戲裏找到,但比刺客Splicer更危險,因爲他們可以在一段距離外攻擊。Leadhead Splicer盡可能跟玩家保持距離,但在非常近的距離,他們會試著用手槍打玩家。他們跟杰克一樣需要上彈,當他們上彈時,他們會變得毫無防備。他們也比刺客Splicer有更多血量,讓他們更難被打敗,特別是多於一隻的時候。

蜘蛛Splicer[ | ]

Main article: 蜘蛛Splicer

雖然玩家從Neptune’s Bounty才開始大他們,但蜘蛛Splicer是玩家來到銷魂城看到的第一隻Splicer。這些Splicers可以在天花上爬行、在遠距離向玩家丟鈎子,可以用Telekinesis抓住丟回去。當在地上時,蜘蛛Splicer能夠貼到最近來物理攻擊玩家,然後馬上跳到天花,或者後空翻走,再在另一個角度再跑過來。他們在牆上爬行的靈活性和能力令他們變得難以被攻擊,還有他們在牆上爬行著埋伏玩家的手法可以讓他們嚇到所有手足無措的人。有些能夠很容易聽到他們的移動,都是托龜裂灰泥聲音的福。

魔術師Splicer[ | ]

Main article: 魔術師Splicer

當玩家進入Arcadia,玩家會第一次遇到魔術師Splicer。這些Splicers有在戰鬥中瞬間移動的能力,在一個位置消失,再在另一個位置出現。可以透過他們身邊的一團煙來追蹤他們,讓他們便得更容易看見。魔術師Splicer大多靠發射球(在某些例子中會是),但就像Leadhead Splicer一樣,會在近距離使用物理攻擊。在戰鬥中,魔術師Splicer使用「打完就走」的策略來出現、發射攻擊、消失,重複循環。

炸彈Splicer[ | ]

Main article: 炸彈Splicer

炸彈Splicer在整個游戲裏很罕有,大多在Neptune’s Bounty。第一隻玩家遇見的是在Medical Pavilion. 他們會以遠距離向玩家丟手榴彈(後期爲手持式汽油彈)來攻擊。在近戰範圍,他們會丟一個煙霧彈在地上,來暫時讓玩家失去判斷力,或者他們會嘗試逃跑,再丟一個炸彈,又或者嘗試踢開玩家,做成溫和的損傷。瀕臨死亡,他們會放下一個手榴彈,目的是如果玩家在近距離是受到傷害。常見殺死這類型Splicer的方法是用Telekinesis抓住他的手榴彈,丟回去。研究這類型Splicer會增加他們的炸彈變成臭彈的機會。

生化奇兵2[ | ]

Lambs splicers

Lamb's loyal Splicers.

Main article: 生化奇兵2

在十年的結合跟幸存後,Splicers少了,但比原作游戲遇見的更有侵略性、更有力量。他們的臉更畸形,跟他們面具的形狀相符。他們的四肢嚴重變形得更長更柔軟,在某些例子中,骨架會自己重塑(就像發展出多餘的手指、腳趾,甚至利爪一樣)。在剩下的Splicers增加了的恢復力上,顯示出一個扭曲的團結形態因爲Sofia LambRapture Family的影響。Splicers對Family的忠心令他們不再與Little Sisters對立,但他們視Subject Delta爲敵人,一看到他就攻擊。

在第一集游戲看到的一些Splicer模型仍然會在生化奇兵2中出現,就像Leadhead Splicers和蜘蛛Splicers,與其他新的或進化的模型在第二集游戲中變得獨特。Splicers可以在開槍的同時向Delta丟手榴彈。

野蠻Splicer[ | ]

Main article: 野蠻Splicer


生化奇兵2 多人模式[ | ]

Bioshock Civil War 2

Test our home-defence products in the field and tell us how you feel!

Main article: 生化奇兵2 多人模式

就如生化奇兵2多人模式的敘事概念部分,所有玩家需要選擇銷魂城裏因爲各自原因應徵加入Sinclair Solutions Home Consumer Rewards Program的市民角色。他們幫企業測試武器、Plasmids和其他genetic enhancements,和進行Ryan Industries爲了他們最新「家庭防禦」的產品線的實地測試。可是,所有那些改進讓他們變成Splicers,毀滅了他們的身體和慢慢驅使他們變瘋。

海葬[ | ]


What remains of Fontaine's army.

Main article: 早期的Splicers

在Rapture内戰因爲停藥讓Splicers變心理和物理上的不穩定前,其實看到很多只有小量可見的基因或精神破壞跡象的市民使用Plasmids和Tonic enhancements。有些可以在Market StreetHigh Street看到,例如Le Temps Perdu中服務客人的侍應生,還有一個以他的spliced美學吸引異性的男人。這不代表沒有危險的Splicers。在Andrew Ryan和市政府審查,關閉大部分Fontaine的企業後,潛行者Splicers(很多是Fontaine殘留的軍隊)被困在下沉的Fontaine’s Department Store。Splicers和銷魂城的ADAM供應連接被截斷,令他們的精神越來越錯亂。

他們很多是Leadhead Splicers或者刺客Splicers,還有新的Splicer種類:寒冰Splicer。這些Splicers沒有内戰後那些變異得那麽多,但仍然可以看到因爲濫用ADAM和在打Ryan勢力時各種傷害令精神不穩定。1958新年派對前被與銷魂城其他部分截斷連接,他們沒有前幾集游戲看到那些與衆不同的化妝舞會面具。大多男性Splicers穿著木貨箱或簡陋地剪出來的品牌海報圖(如Hop-Up SodaCircus of ValuesMeal-Time Frozen Dinners)當面具。有些女性Splicers以濃妝遮蓋她們的臉,或者像化妝舞會或面部人工貼片的面具。

寒冰Splicer[ | ]

Main article: 寒冰Splicer

長滿突起的、結冰的贅生物,寒冰Splicers可以向Booker DeWitt發射多發爆彈,不只讓他暫時錯愕,還把其他路上的敵人結冰。他們的變形是喝下過量的新飲品式PlasmidOld Man Winter。第一隻寒冰Splicer是在Rapture on ice遇到。他們對結霜型(或者相似)的攻擊有免疫。

Splicer Models[ | ]

There are ten Splicer models in BioShock and eight in BioShock 2. Their names are not revealed in-game; instead, they are associated with the sound files used for their sound bites in the game data. The Pigskin, Plastered Splicer, Rosebud, and Waders only appear in the first game. The models that return in BioShock 2 have a more deformed appearance, Additionally, two new Splicer models were introduced; Brute and Crawler, who both have their own splicer type. Splicers are also given a unique and totally new model when seen from a Little Sisters perspective. Also with Minerva's Den, the narrative Downloadable Content for BioShock 2, a further two more splicer models are shown; Heady and Buttons. Each of those models feature their own appearance (with some variants in colors) personality and social rank, making them characters on their own.

In the same way as the two first singleplayer games, each of the ten playable characters in BioShock 2 Multiplayer also feature their own appearance and personality, as well as social rank. This and their associated Audio Diaries contribute to telling a different story for each of them.

In the narrative DLC for BioShock Infinite, Burial at Sea, which returns to the city of Rapture on the eve of its war, six new splicer models are introduced. The early male and female splicers encountered in the game are what is left of Fontaine's army after his failed attempt of taking over the city. Both of these models feature different designs and personalities, unlike the models seen in previous games. A third model known as the Frosty Splicer, is also shown, and is the first splicer model to show the effects of Drinkable Plasmids.

In the second episode of this DLC, Burial at Sea - Episode 2, Ryan's Security Forces are encountered by the players, many of which are splicers, and thus show deformities, although they seem to be quite sane.

In Both Singleplayer Games[ | ]

  • Baby Jane
  • Breadwinner
  • Dr. Grossman
  • Ducky
  • Lady Smith
  • Toasty

BioShock Only[ | ]

  • Pigskin
  • Plastered Splicer
  • Rosebud
  • Waders

BioShock 2 Only[ | ]

  • Brute
  • Crawler
  • Partygoer

BioShock 2: Minerva's Den[ | ]

  • Buttons
  • Heady

BioShock 2: Fall of Rapture[ | ]

Standard Characters
  • Jacob Norris - The Welder
  • Barbara Johnson - The Housewife
  • Danny Wilkins - The Athlete
  • Buck Raleigh - The Businessman
  • Naledi Atkins - The Pilot
  • Suresh Sheti - The Performer
BioShock 2 Character Pack
  • Zigo d’Acosta - The Fisherman
  • Mlle Blanche de Glace - The Actress
Sinclair Solutions Tester Pack Characters
  • Louie McGraff - The Jailbird
  • Oscar Calraca - The Playboy

BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea[ | ]

  • Early Splicers
  • Frosty
  • Rapture Citizen
  • Ryan Security

Removed Content[ | ]

  • Survivor
  • Jockey

Behind the Scenes[ | ]

  • Early in the design process of BioShock, Splicers were known only as "Aggressors".[4]
  • The term "Splicer" is a reference to gene splicing[5], a natural process that occurs during RNA transcription in cells.
  • Several Splicer models are based on soldiers who sustained horrific facial injuries from the First World War and subsequently underwent pioneering surgery to reconstruct their faces with varying degrees of success.[6]
  • In BioShock 2, there is always one original model and three variations for each of the Splicers' models, plus some variations for specific levels or characters, such as Brute models dressed as orderlies and Toasty models dressed as inmates in Persephone Penal Colony, or Daniel and Simon Wales' Breadwinner and Crawler specific models. Most of these variations, which consist of different clothing, hair and skin colors, are shown in BioShock 2's artbook, Deco Devolution.
  • Each Splicer model (with the exception of Heady, Buttons, Crawler, Survivor, and the men and women trapped in Fontaine's) has their own cartoon character, which can be seen on Plasmid instruction videos as well as various advertisements.
  • In the Clash in the Clouds downloadable content of BioShock Infinite, completing each of the four levels will unlock at the Columbian Archeological Society a Tear to a water puddle, which, when activated, will bring in a Thuggish Splicer bearing the Toasty model's body and a Waders' head and wearing a white rabbit mask. This Easter egg is advertising the next two DLC packs for BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea - Episode 1 and Episode 2, which both take place in Rapture.
  • In Burial at Sea, the Frosty Splicer uses the same model of the scrapped Vigor Junkie from BioShock Infinite.
  • The cartoon versions of Splicers "pre-fall" from BioShock and BioShock 2 can be seen in several Need to Know Theaters, training, and propaganda videos in Burial at Sea - Episode 1 and Episode 2, including: Breadwinner, Ducky, Baby Jane, Dr. Grossman, Waders, and Lady Smith.

References[ | ]

  1. Radio message by Atlas in the Farmer's Market: "Why do they wear those masks? Maybe there's a part of them that remembers how they used to be, how they used to look. And they're ashamed."
  2. ADAM Explained by Brigid Tenenbaum in the Farmer's Market: "ADAM acts like a benign cancer, destroying native cells and replacing them with unstable stem versions."
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 The Market is Patient by Andrew Ryan in Arcadia: "There has been tremendous pressure to regulate this Plasmid business. There have been side effects: blindness, insanity, death."
  4. "Episode One: What Is BioShock?", podcast available: The Cult of Rapture
  5. RNA gene splicing, on Wikipedia
  6. Project Facade (WARNING: do not click the link if easily upset, as these are actual photos of people with real deformities.)

Template:Splicer Models Template:Enemies
